Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Issue 43: APWH: Armenian Genocide, WWI, Russian Revolution and Mexican Revolution

World War I: 1914-1918
            Germany(GE), Italy (IT), Austria-Hungary(AU-HU)---VS---Great Britain (UK), Russia(RU), France(FR)
             I :Imperialism/ Industrialism
            N: Nationalism
            1910-1914: Increase in Defense Expenditure
1910-1914 Increase in Defense Expenditure
73% (1870 to 1914, from 94 Million Euros to 398 Million Euros)
Allied Powers: UK, FR, RU, IT (Later on, Italy switched sides from the Central to Allied)
Nicholas II (RU), George V(BR), Victor Emmanuel (IT), Pres. Poincore (FR)
Central Powers: GE, AU-HU, Ottoman Empire
Wilhelm I (GE), Frenz Josef (AU-HU), Enver Pasha (IT)

How was the fighting in WWI different from previous wars?
West Front: Trenches, 2 lines of trenches extend from the English Channel to the frontiers of Switzerland. They were dug out and it immobilized both sides of the trenches; stayed in the same position for the next 4 years. Trench warfare is a relative new method of fighting. Improvements in the technology of weapons ie. Machine guns: faster and shoots more rounds of ammunition. Trench warfare is less direct of an atk: less ppl would died through trench warfare than an direct atk. They can only move along the trenches. Ppl wasn’t expecting much change in the practice of war--they were expecting to come home at Christmas and was enriched with Nationalistic thoughts. Trench warfare was hellish though: landscape, deaths, injuries, hand grenades, machine guns and poisonous gas. War was 24 hours basically. No nights without hearing gunfire.
East Front: More mobilized but cost a lot of lives.
Allies help allies, they would either break alliances created by past treaties or they would help out their alliances.

American’s War Goals: 14 points and Treaty of Versailles: President Wilson’s 14 points
Goal: End the old international system based on imperial competition; to create a liberal international oder based on: National self-determination (democracy), economic integration (free trade) and collective security (the League of Nations)
Downside of Wilson’s plan: Overestimated his abilities to persuade the other victors; Europeans were reluctant to give up colonies and determined to punish Germany.
Wilson had 2 major tools that he could use to impose his will on UK, FR,  and IT.
He could make a separate Peace w/ Germany
He could threaten to withhold American Economic aid and resources from the Allies if they didn’t go along w/ plan. But using these tactics threatedn to alienate the very gov’t he wanted to enlist in a cooperative, liberal international order.
1. No Secret Agreements
2. Freedom of seas (Britain objected: weaken power of Royal Navy)
3. Universal Free Trade (Countries (w/ the US ironically) continued to pass tariffs that limited foreign access to markets)
4. Reduced Armaments (Partially accepted) German armaments were severly limited in the Treaty and other powers maintained right to control their own military spending
5.Impartial treatment of Colonies (Rejected but some colonies were turned into Mandates and put on a very slow path to independence
6. GE out of RU approved: result was guaranteed when RU withdrew from war and signed a separate Peace w/ GE (1917)
7. Restoration of Belgium’s Independence (approved)
8. Return of Alsace-Lorraine region to FR (approved):  FR also recieved the coal-rich Saar region from Germany
9. Improved borders for Italy (Partially Approved)
10. Self-Determination for AU-HU (approved)
11. Self Determination for the Balkans (approved) Yugoslavia: created from this portion of AU-HU. It lasted until it fell appart during the 1990s.
12. Self- Determination for Ottomans (partially approved)
13. Independence for Poland (approved)
14. A league of Nations: Provide for international collective security (partially approved): Organization was created but the US never joined… made it weak… (Congress rejected but Wilson would’ve definitely approved; the downside of having different political parties prevented it from being approved. Fun fact: George Washington didn’t want the American gov’t from having parties. Totally unrelated… LOL.

Wilsoniansim and European self determination (new countries):
1. RU>>> Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
2. RU, AU-HU, GE>>> Poland
3. AU-HU>> Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslavakia, Romania, Bulgaria
4. Ottomans>>>Turkey. Other Ottoman territories became Mandates
And the “War Guilt Clasues” :”...the responisibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage …..as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.” It says Germany is totally responsible…
And a commitment to anti-colonialism: Colonies such as Syria, Lebanon (France), and Palestine, Jordan and Iraq (Britain): carved up Middle East put it on a ‘path’ to independence causes problems
Wilson understood the treaty wasn’t perfect. Didn’t want it the perfect to become the enemy of the good. He thought it was a step in a right direction and away from imperialism and towards peace. Perfection is impossble. Not losing best option.
Wilson acquiesced (agreed) in Germany’s Parition. Denmark, Baltic, Poland, and Ethnic Germans living in different countires
No more AU-HU, Russia and Ottoman Empire!...
Mandates of Africa and Pacific is gone
14th points: Only way: 1/8/1918
Self Determination: the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.
Mandates: A system established during WWI whereby nation officially administered a territory (mandate) on behalf of League of Nations. Avoids tyranny and its easier to maintain as a whole. Nations are grouped together and can lead to increase nationalism for their race. Revolts chances go up.
Britain and France opposed to Wilson’s Proposal to make peace to Germany and not punish Germany. Britain and France both wanted to punish Germany. Britain got new prime minister who won the ballot from decisive electoral victory with the position of punishing. France wanted revenge and wanted their land back (reclaim Lorraine).
Wilson convinced Britain and France to create the League of Nations: Wilson guarantee France & Britain will receive land and help (when atked) FR and UK fear Germany and needed assistance in war in case of an random, rude atk.
Treaty of Versaille viewed badly on Germany because of the amt of debt is overwhelming high. It would take 80-90 years to pay off the debt. France and Britain took away the land Germany took away earlier.
Following land was taking away from Germany, Alsace and Lorraine> France, Eupen and Malmedy> Belgium, N. Schleswig> Denmark, Hultschin> Czechoslovakia, W. Prussia, Posen and Upper Silesia> Poland
Germany’s army reduced to 100,000 men and no tanks. Germany forbid to unite w/ Austria to become super state.
3 vital clauses: War Guilt Caused, Germany responsible for war, League of Nations set up.
1918: Flu Pandemic: Depletes all armies-50,000,000-100,000,000 deaths
Everyone went home>>> Dead Bodies
 Armenian Genocide
1915: Turkish Genocide against Armeanians
5,529,000 ppl died
Armistice Term (11/11/18) WWI ends: Treaty to stop fighting
Kaiser, Crown King, Hindenburg fled Germany and Russia to Holland
BTW: Germany technically didn’t lose
Liberal International Order
-National Self-Determination-Democracy
-Economic integration-Free Trade
-Collective Security
Market Economy VS Planned Economies
Genocide: deliberate, systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group
Young turks flamed Turkish Nationalism
Armenians were Christian, different ethnic group than Muslim
Believed they were helping Russia during WWI
Armenians deaths: 2,000,000+
Mass Deporations: Means of … kill them en route Armenians marched to prison

RUSSIAN revolution
Command (Planned)
Prices are set by supply and demand
If goods are scarce: Prices rise, profits rise and eventually more goods are produced
Individual producer attempting to maximize their profits determines supply of goods
Means of production: Privately owned
Investment decision: Capitalist trying to maximize profit based on best forecast about the direction of the economy
Building home is economical decision
Strength: Competition produces productivity
Weakness: “Boom and Bust” economy; unemployment
Prices set by Gov’t
Rationing or “first come, first served”; gov’t may choose to respond by increasing production
Gov’t attempting to maximize gov’t goals
Means of production: State owned
Investment decision is made by gov’t planners based on decision about production of goods
Building a home is political decision
Strength: Few resources go unused; social goals given prority
Weakness: Few incentive to improve productivity; economically inefficient allocation of resources may occur due to gov’t decision

War Communism:
1. Production should be run by state. Private ownership should be kept to minimum.
2. State control was to be granted over the labor of every citizen. Once a military army had served its purpose>>> Labor Army
3. State produces everything in its own undertakings. State tries to control the activities of millions of peasants
4. Extreme centralization: Economic life controlled by Bolsheviks. Supreme Economic Council. Had right to confiscate and requisition. The specialty of SEC: Manage Industires. 40 head departments  (glavki) set up. one glavki could be responsible for 1000s of factories
5. State attempted to become the sole distributor as well as the sole producer. June 20, 1918 Bolsheviks decided that all surplus food had to be surrender to state. Increase in grain to state.
1917-1928 ¾ million ton was collected. 1920-1921: 6 million tons
Policy led to huge resentment in countryside. 1933: 25 million tons of grain collected
6. Attempt to abolish money as a means of exchange. Natural economy: All transaction carried out in kind.Gov’t revenue raising ability was chronically poor; abolished most taxes. Tax: Extraordinary Revolutionary Tax: targeted at the rich and not the workers

NEP: New Economic Policy: Based around a tax called prodnalog: tax on food. Prodnalog taxed ppl at a lower level than the level set for requisition and allowed them to keep the rest of what they produced.1922: half the grain taken by forced. Tax on potatoes. Allowed the cities to be fed and gave the farmers an incentive to produce as much as humanly possible.

October 1921: Lenin admitted there could be no going back to the limitations imposed by dogma of War Communism
1922: Tax Limited to just 10%, success of the NEP obvious. 1921: Russia famine
May 1922: Fear subside and agricultural production was at a healthy 75% of 1913 level. Light industry benefited from the healthy situation found in agriculture. They had to produce goods for the peasants and the success of the peasants stimulated production.
Franco-Prussian War: Germany benefits: Gain Alsaic and Lorraine, bankrupts France
Dual Alliance: AU-HU<>GE
3 Emperor’s League: GE<>AU-HU<>RU (Secret Treaty)
Triple Alliance: GE<> AU-HU<>IT
Franco-Russian Alliance: FR<>RU
Anglo-Japanese Alliance: JAP<>UK
Entente Cordiale: FR<>UK
Anglo Russian Entente: UK<>RU
Pan-Slavism: Balkans: Powder Keg
1878 Ottoman smaller
Archduke Franz: Assassin: Garrilo Princip--NOT THE GOV’T

Machine Gun: Rapid Fire Weapons forced soldiers underground, Increased casualties, fired 600 bullet per minutes, Decreased movements of ground forces
Poison Gas: Poison gas grenades, ie. Mustard Gas, choke or blind victims give blisters, gas grenades and gas mask invented in Germany Poison Gas: A new weapon type used in the war
Different type: Blind, Choke, Burn  Limited Value: Wind, Gas Mask
Tank: Provide defense from machine guns & gas, moved slowly at 3 mph, intially a British invention
Air and Sea Warfare: Submarines, First developed in Germany (U-Boats), combat against British superior surface fleet, ships traveled in convoys as defense
Airplanes: American invention, not very common in WWI, participated in famous but rare, dogfights
Zeppelin: Germany airship, or blimps, bomb enemy cities, 1915-1916: Over 40 zeppelin raids, killing almost 500 British
Total Warfare: Each nation used entirety of its resources to achieve victory, “War of Attrition: fight continues until one side wears out the other, Civilian (non-military) targets become part of the strategy of “total” war, Conscription (drafting soldiers) of male Population
Final Cost: Human lives: Army Death, 8 mill, Civilian Death, 8 mill, Wounded 21 million (6 permanent human wrecks), Property over $56 Bill, Money $200 Bill
Schieffen Plan:Invade Belgium to invade France, surround France, Russia
US Intervention help end WWI
More women pick up work
Verdun: 5,000 casualties
Somme: July-Nov. 1916: 60,000 British casualties in one day, 1 mill in 5 months, Germany 40 mill. and withdrew
Morale began to collapse towards end of year
Zimmerman Telegram
Mexican Revolution:
Social/ Economic Issues: 70% rural, 95 % rural pop owned no land, 84% illiterate, one doctor for every 5000, ½ children died before age one from whooping cough, malaria or yellow fever
Porfirio Diaz: Poor Mestizo Background, Stability, Foreign Investment, Law and order, deals ruthlessly w/ any opposition, no freedom of speech.
Porfiriato: forced to work on Hacienda
Start: Election of 1910, Reformer Francisco Madero ran against Diaz, Madero Jailed by Diaz, and Diaz wins
Madero calles for revolution., Emiliano Zapata and Francisco “Pancho” Villa begins uprising, Diaz flees to Europe, Nov. 1911 Madero named president but deemed ineffective
Gen. Victoriano Huerta overthrew Madero in 1913, Huerta executes Madero, sets up civil war, Civil war doesn’t end until 1920
Venustiano Carranza, Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata and Alvaro Obregon fought against Huerta.
1915 Huerta defeated and Carranza declared himself president
Conclusion: Violence from 1911-1920
Zapata tricked and murdered by Carranza
Carranza murdered by his general Obregon,Obregon assassinated in 1918
Pancho Villa: killed in 1923 mysterious death
900,000 Mexicans came to US btwn 1910-1920.
Destruction: Cost 1 mill+ lives, No major banks or newspaper survived, ruined much of economy
Carranza: Constitution of 1917

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