Sunday, December 13, 2015

Issue 57: Regents Japanese: Jisho (Dictionary)

These are sooo over due. I had them for a while.

Verb Stem+ 始めます
Begin to ____
I started swimming when I was 5 years old.

Verb Stem+終わります
To finish ____
I finally finished writing an essay at 3AM.

Verb Stem+つづけます
To continue ____
Please continue to listen to the tape.

Verb Stem+にくい
It is hard to ____.
This medicine is difficult to swallow.
You can also useつらい instead of nikui.

Verb Stem+やすい
It is easy to ____.
This pen is easy to write with.
Yasashii (easy,gentle) and Yasui both start with a "ya" so you can remember it that way.

After I (Form verb), I _____.
After I have Japanese class, I have physics class.
(Dictionary Form/Ta-form) あと, ____. Expresses the same idea.

To list reasons.
This weekend, I have a lot of homework, and I play basketball, so I am busy.
部首(ぶしゅ): Radical/Classifier
__画 (__かく): __strokes
数(かず): amount (of strokes)
簡単(かんたん): easy
複雑(ふくざつ): complicated
間違える(まちがえる): to make a mistake
音読み(おんよみ): Chinese reading of kanji
訓読み(くんよみ): Japanese reading of kanji
意味(いみ): meaning
どう言ういみですか: What does it mean?
___という意味です。 It means ___.
漢字辞典 (かんじ じてん): Kanji dictionary
辞書を引く (じしょをひく):To look up in a dictionary
探す(さがす): To search for
___が見つかる: To be found (It was found)
___を見つける: To find (I found it)
なかなか+Negative verb: Not easily ___
初級(しょきゅう): Beginner level
中級(ちゅうきゅう): Intermediate level
上級(じょうきゅう): Advance level
__回 (かい): __ times (the number of times something was done)
調べる(しらべる): to investigate
和英辞典(わえいじてん): Japanese-English Dictionary
英和辞典(えいわじてん): English-Japanese Dictionary
文(ぶん): Sentences
経済(けいざい): Economy
形(かたち): Shape
書き順(かきじゅん): The number of strokes
思い出す(おもいだす): To remember
訳す(やくす): To translate
訳(やく): Translation
めちゃくちゃ: Messy, Confusing, Incorrect
最近(さいきん): Recently
例えば(たとえば): For example
発音(はつおん): The pronunciation

英 (えい): British英語: English
草 (くさ): Grass みどりの草: Green Grass
林 (はやし・ばやし)Small forest/ the woods小林さん (こばやしさん) Mr. Kobayashi
森 (もり) Big forest林森(しんりん) A dense forest
台 (たい・だい): A counter for big things台所(たいどころ): Kitchen
始 (はじ) Begin始めます: to begin
終 (お) End 終わります: To end
使 (つか・し) Use 使います: To use
勉 (べん) to endeavor勉強: To study
強 (つよ・きょう) Strong強い (つよい): Stong
回(まわ・かい) Turn回る (まわる) To turn、一回 (いっかい) One time
週 (しゅう) Week先週(せんしゅう) Last week