Thursday, December 3, 2015

Issue 56: US History 1930s

A bit of a throwback. I never posted this :C
John Maynard Keynes: Creator of Keynesian Economics: Developed new and innocative economic theory in that the gov't would intervene with the economy by creating temporary government programs that provided money to people, thus creating a demand for consumer goods. Taxes would be cut too.
                Deficit Spending: Increasing government debt in order to create spending money
The Wagner Act, or the National Labor Relations Act, was a New Deal reform passed by President Franklin Roosevelt on July 5, 1935.
                Instrumental in preventing employers from interfering with workers' unions and protests in the private sector
                Magna Carta of American Labor.   100% for labor.
Tennessee Valley Authority solved the flooding and created many permanent jobs.
                Tennessee River would flood and damage the land.
                Build dams that stop the soil from being barren and to create hydroelectricity.
                People can finally settle there and this needed people to control it.
                6 other states depend on energy from TVA.
FDR's attempt to reform the Supreme court: New Deal legislation was concerned about court challenges
                Already 389 suits in 1935.
                Seemed that the New Deal will be killed by court.
                 He suggested Court Reform or Court Packing. Every judge over 70 would have an additional justice to help and there was 6/9 over 70.
                FDR lost some popularity
                Later the Supreme Court decided to support the New Deal laws and thus FDR dropped the idea.
 Lend-lease Act: British couldn't pay cash for war materials and FDR suggested that we would give aid to those fighting totalitarian regimes.
Believed  that if we didn't help, we would be fighting alone soon. The US gave ~$50 Billion in the end of WWII, British with most aid and 50 battle ships. FDR gave some to Stalin, in that without it, the war would've been lost.
 Neutrality Acts of the 1930's were done to prevent the US from being involved in WWII.
                Pevented the sales of weapons and restricted travel
                Banned loans to the belligerents
                Prevented US ships from traveling to the ports of those in war.
                 FDR broke this in 1940s with new policies.
 "Arsenal for democracy" is a speech by FDR saying that he supports the Allies in that they provide the British material support.
Four Freedoms: The freedom of speech and expression, Freedom of religion, Freedom from want, and freedom from fear. He wants democracy  to expand and doesn't want to control the thoughts of people.
The Manhattan project was a secret research and development project of the U.S to develop the atomic bomb.
 Pres. Truman's reasons for dropping the atomic bomb was that it saves lives for both the Americans and Japanese.
                Beach invasions required invasions everywhere.
                End the war quickly and to prevent Russian interference.
McCarthyism was a idea from the senator Joe McCarthy who said he had evidence that 200 USSR spies were in US Gov't.
                Claimed evidence and blacklisted Hollywood actors, directors, producers, journalist, authors, military and Pres. Eisenhower. He was removed and censured.
Rosenberg Case an espionage case in that USSR made an atomic bomb, though the US was the only ones with info to make.
                Testimonies came from unreliable people and they were executed despite having young children.
 House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was the committee that investigated Alger Hiss, who was accused by Whitaker Chambers, a former member of the Communist, for passing secrets to the USSR.
                Led to the 2nd Red Scare.
                Not enough evidence to convict him of espionage but convicted of perjury, which ruined his career in the end.
Brown V. Board of Education a 1954 case that rule that segregation in public school is inherently equal, and thus "separate but equal" would be removed.
Fred Korematsu challenged being sent to internment camps in the Korematsu case.
                 180,000 J-Americans were in the west coast and the public believed that they couldn't be trusted.
                Their property was seized by the gov't as possible threats to the US.
                Their money was also taken and never returned.
 Pres. Nixon's abuse of power included the US VS. Nixon in that Nixon had to turn over tapes, but Nixon never did.
                The Watergate Scandal was that the campaign donations for Nixon's re-elections were used to destroy Nixon's opposition and these were known as slush funds.
                Nixon was pardoned.
 Goals of the Great Society (war on poverty): Liberalism: eliminate poverty, end racial injustice, build better urban centers, develop better educational programs and care for environment
 War Powers Resolution lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 via the 26th amendment.
                Due to the Vietnam War, ppl believed that if 18 was okay to be drafted and kill for the country, they could vote.
 Pentagon papers was a book that published info relating to the Watergate Scandal.
                The NY Times VS US said that the info should've been open to the public.
                The gov't said that the release of info hurt the US.
                From then on, plumbers-- Nixon's inner circle of men would try to stop leaks to the press and compiled a list of enemies to destroy.
Detente was Nixon's new policy of dealing with the Cold War to ease tensions.
                They had a cultural exchange and to help find a common ground and build better relations with USSR.
                Nixon negotiate end of Vietnam War.
Stagflation is economic condition of continuing inflation, stagnant business activity or zero economic growth, and rising unemployment rate.
                Happened under Carter.
Oil and energy crisis of the 1970's under Pres. Carter was that OPEC reduced oil shipments to the USA.                 Carter addressed with Crisis of Confidence speech and Malaise speech.
                Speech backfired.
Trickle down economics: economic theory that holds that money lent to banks and businesses will trickle down to consumers.
The Iran-Contra Scandal erupted after the Reagan administration sold weapons to Iran in hopes of freeing American hostages in Lebanon
                Money from the arms sales was used to aid the Contras (anti-Communist insurgents) in Nicaragua, even though Congress had prohibited this assistance.
                Reagan had nothing to do with the scandal, aides took blame
                More globalized problem in that it came from war in Nicaragua
Reagan's idea of New Federalism and how to reduce size of gov't was to cut taxes of people and cut gov't spending
Reagan tried bankrupting the USSR b/c communistic/socialistic economy cannot get out of bankruptcy.
Why the United States went to war in the Persian Gulf in 1991 was that Saddam Hussain was a destabilizing influence in the Middle East that affected US interest and security.
                Used chemical weapons and poisonous gas on Kurds
                Annexed Kuwait's which had ~70% of world's oil through many ports.
Passed by Congress in 1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commercial buildings.
                In honor of FDR, who had polio.

Miranda V. Arizona said that Supreme Court held that criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination prior to questioning by police.

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