Thursday, September 26, 2013

Issue 31: Biology

Some Characteristic of Living Things
-Reproduce have children (Sexual VS Asexual)
-Grow and develop: Changes as it gets used to the world
-Respond to environment: Adapt
-Made of tiny cells
-Universal genetic code

Life Processes:

Metabolism: Biological Process chemical reactions that break down material.
Organism will cease to exist if its homeostasis is disrupted and not restored.

Synthesis: Combining simple molecules to form more complex ones
Cellular Respiration: A series of chemical reactions that releases stored chemical energy for use in work.
Excretion: The process of discharging waste processes
Operational Definition: Pin down what it means
A statement of how to define and measure a concept or quantity
Complex Web of Life: All the different species of plants, animals, and other life forms interconnected and interacting with each other
Organism interact w/ itself
-atmosphere, soil, bodies of water
-Need for life found in environment and reused
Only item that is added to the system daily is energy in form of sunlight

What is Ecology?
-Branch of Science that study environment: What is consist of and how it works
-Greek word: Study of our house
-Person who studies ecology: Ecologist
Levels of Ecological Organization
Biosphere: Includes all of the world’s ecosystems interacting
-Thin zone around planet
Ecosystem: Community and physical Environment
Community: Many different types of population interacting with each other
Population: All member of one species in given area @particular time
Living Thing: Biotic
Make own food from simple substances
Chlorophyll- Photosynthesis
CO2 and H2O complex food molecules
Autotrophs: Self Feeders
Sunlight: Energy Sources
Productivity: Low -Low Photosynthesis…
Chemosynthesis: Bacteria to producer
Heterotrophs, other feeders
Animals that feeds on other organism
Herbivores: Eats Producers
Carnivore: Eats Animals “Flesh Eater”
Organism consume dead organism
Common: Fungi and Bacteria
Saprophyte: Plant Decomposer
Non Living: Abiotic
Ecosystem include any matter, energy, characteristics,
Climate: Amount of Rainfall, Sunlight, Temp Range
Plants that live in desert have adaptation for prevent water lost

Ectothermic: Cold Blooded
Endothermic: Warm Blooded
Availability and intensity of sunlight
Photoperiod: Amt of light per day

Food Chain : Pathway in which energy flows from organism to organism

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