Thursday, September 5, 2013

Issue 28: APWH: Up to 600 CE

9.5.2013: Issue 28: APWH: Up to 600BC
Using review notes from: Kaplan AP World History.
I am going to post parts of my previous homework and its going to a pdf. DO NOT COPY. I STRICTLY REPEAT. DO NOT USE MY EXACT WORDS. Like seriously……………….. if you copy, you will be in deep trouble if it get found out. SO DO NOT COPY!!!!!!!!!!!
These homework are  SPICES chart. Its really good and the religion one took me about 4 hours to do. SERIOUS DON’T BE SO LAZY and just copy everything.

By: Rei (now its Rei… before it was Miyu right? but its Rei now..)
5 important things to learn in chapter
1. From the simplest barter system to long journeys along trade routes, the exchange of goods and ideas shaped this period and led to further changes throughout the world.
Important Trade Routes that shaped development:
-Silk Road
-Indian Ocean
-Meditterranean Sea
2. Once people began to settle and gradually organize into early civilizations, the discovering of agriculture began to change their lives at a more rapid pace.
3.Gender Roles emerged as humans organized themselves in families.
Development of Agriculture led to division of labor so it deepened these divisions.
Roles were reinforced by religious systems and governmental systems
4. Major world religions developed and spread, shaping the civilizations they encountered,
Religions and belief systems which influenced large number of people throughout the time period including:
- Buddhism
Europe and Asia
5. Civilizations emerged that had organized governments, complex religions, social structures, job specializations, public works, system of writing, and arts and architecture
Civilizations that grew larger and more complicated government organizations as empires such as

This book I have for APWH reminds me of the Spices chart but I think I will put it anyways
1. Interactions between people and environments
which is basically the “I” in SPICES. This basically ask how does the environment affect human societies and vice versa.
1. Farming
- Neolithic Revolution- New Stone Age basically.
-People living in Steppes developed Pastoral Nomadism
-Pastoral Nomadism is basically wander around stalking and caring for animals, as the animals provide their daily needs.
2. Metals
-Copper to Bronze to Iron
-Use of metallurgy allowed humans to develop stronger and more efficient weapons and tools

2. Development and Interactions of Culture.
This is basically the “C” in Spices. This ask how do people express themselves and what is the impact of ideas.
1. Religion
-Questioning about Natural Events, afterlife, ethics, and the like, and religion played the role to answer these questions.
- Major religions developed around this time
2. Writing
-Kept records as civilization developed
-Developed further communicate system of writing
3. Artistic Expression
-People expressed themselves through the arts
-Earliest cave paintings to great works of architecture.

3. State building, expansion, and conflict
This is the first “S” in SPICES. Its how do the people govern themselves.
-Settle down in larger groups
-Facilitates the need to cooperate and get along
-Surplus of food
-Not all people need to farm for food.
-Surplus need to be protected
-Enabled the rise of cities, in which job specialization occur and larger population can be maintained
- 1st cities, civilizations emerged with organized gov’t, complex religions, social structure, job specialization, public work project, systems of writing, art, and architecture.
- Over time it became more complex
-Most early gov’t were nonrepresentative monarchies or oligarchies.
-Representative form of gov’t such as democracy and republics are uncommon.
-Many civilizations expand their original area of one state and conquered surrounding neighbors to build an empire.

4. Creation, expansion, and interactions of economic systems
This is basically the “E” in SPICES, asking how do economic developments affect the world?
1. Trade
-Simplest barter system to Long Journey on the Silk Road
-Exchange of goods and ideas shaped this period and led to further changes
-Currency were developed.
-Religions, ideas, and tech spread from one area to another
5. Development and transformation of social structures
This is the second “S” in SPICES. It asks how do people identify themselves socially, and what roles do men and women have?
1.Social Stratification
-Surplus of food means more time to do other things
-Job Specializations
-Social Class Structures based on economic roles
2.Gender Roles
-With the development of agriculture division of labor deepened
- In almost all cultures outside Africa, women were excluded from position of power>>> PATRIARCHY.
-In most cultures, women had protective rights

-Patriarchy reinforced by organized religion

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