Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Issue 12: SS midterm

Much Thanks to Em!...(sorry i couldn't upload the pics, ill do that by the weekend)

Made by Miyu, Em, Kathy
Main Idea:
1. President Harding promised a return to peace and prosperity.2. Calvin Coolidge supported a pro-business agenda
3. American business boomed in the 1920s
4. In 1928, Americans elected Herbert Hoover, hoping he would help good financial times continue,
Big Idea:
American Industries Boomed in the 1920s,  changing many ways of Americans’ way of Life

-1920s> Presidential Election approaches, there was economic difficulties were bad news for democrats.
-Many people blamed democrats for bad times
The Republicans looked for a candidate who would offer new hope for Americans
They chose:
 -Warren G. Harding- senator from Ohio
 -Calvin Coolidge- Governor of Massachusetts
Harding based his campaign strategy on a promise to return the country to stability and prosperity, “normalcy”
Democrats believed that there was still support for Wilson’s idea for reform.
They ran Ohio Governor, James N. Cox and New York’s Franklin D. Roosevelt for vice president.
Harding’s promise capture the public’s mood, winning by about 60% of the popular vote.
Secretary of Treasury, Andrew Mellon, pushed for tax cuts for the wealthy. Mellon believed that the policy would give incentive to invest in new businesses and create new jobs.
Teapot Dome Scandal: government scandal>Secretary of Interior Albert Fall, accepted large sums of $ and valuable gifts from private oil companies , allowing those companies to control US Navy oil reserve in Elk Hills, CA and Teapot Dome Wyoming.
Kellogg-Briand Pact: an agreement that outlawed war. 62 countries accepted the pact, a sign that most countries wanted to prevent another global conflict.
Model T: Ford made a sturdy and reliable car, nicknamed Tin Lizzie. The car was only in black for many years.
Moving Assembly line: a system using a conveyor belts to move parts and partly assembled cars from one group of workers to another. The worker stood in one place to do his job.
With the economy booming, public support for the Republican Party was strong, President Coolidge didn’t run for reelection in 1928, they chose Herbert Hoover
Hoover won with 58% of popular votes.
Main Idea:
1. In the 1920s many young people found new independence in a changing society
2. Post War Tension occasionally led to fear and violence.
3. Competing ideals caused conflicts between Americans with traditional beliefs and those with modern views.
4. Following the War, minority groups organized to demand their civil rights.
Big Idea:
Americans faced new opportunities, challenges, and fears as major changes swept the country in the 1920s.
Flappers: Young Women that cut their hair short and wore makeup and short dresses, openly challenging traditional ideas of how women should behave.
Red Scare: A time of fear of Communists, or Reds
Twenty-First Amendment: 1933 state and federal government ended prohibition of alcoholic beverages
Fundamentalism: A religious belief characterized by a literal interpretation of the bible
The Great Migration: A period of African American movement from the South to cities in the North

Main Idea:
Radio and movies linked the country in national culture.
Jazz and blues music became popular nationwide.
Writers and artist introduced new styles and artistic ideas
Big Idea:
Musicians, artists, actors, and writers contributed to American pop culture in the 1920s.
Talkie: Motion Picture with Sound
Jazz Age: An explosion in the popularity of jazz music gave the decade that nickname
Innovation: a new idea or way of doing something
Harlem Renaissance: A period of African American artistic accomplishment.
Lost Generation: Writers critisized American Society in the 1920s
Expatriates: People who leave their home country to live elsewhere.

Main Idea:
The U.S. stock market crashed in 1929.
The economy collapsed after the stock market crash
Many Americans were disatisfied with hoover’s reaction  to economic conditions
Roosevelt defeated Hoover in the election of 1932
Big Idea:
The collapse of the stock market in 1929 helped lead to the start of the Great Depression
Buying on the margin: Purchasing stocks on credit, or with borrowed money
Black Tuesday: On Tuesday October 29 the stock market crashed. So many ppl wanted to sell their stock, and so few wanted to buy, that the stock prices collapsed.
Business Cycle: The up and down pattern of the economy
The Great Depression: The economy did not recover quickly from the downturn that began in 1929. Because of its severity and length it was called the great depression   
Bonus Army: World War 1 veterans went to the capital to demand early payment of a military bonus

Main Idea:
1. Congress approved many new programs during the 100 days.
2. Critics expressed concerns about the New Deal.
3. New Deal Programs continued through Roosevelt’s first term
4.Roosevelt clashed with the Supreme Court over the New Deal

New Deal:Roosevelt and Congress worked together to create new programs to battle the Depression and aid recovery.
Fireside Chats: Radio Addresses in which Roosevelt spoke directly to the American people
Tennessee Valley Authority: TVA: hired people to build dams and generators, bring low cost electricity and jobs to communites in the Tennessee River Valley
Farm Credit Administration: FCA: helped farmers refinance their mortgages so they could keep their farms.
Agricultural Adjustment Act: helped stabilize agricultural prices\
Social Security Act: passed in 1935, provided some financial security for the elderly, disabled, children, and the unemployed
National Industrial Recovery Act: NIRA: Established fair competition laws
Second New Deal: despite critism of the new deal, democrats increased their majorities in both houses of Congress in the 1934 election.
Congress of Industrial Organizatios (CIO): Organised workers into unions based on industry, not skill level
Sit Down Strikes: Workers stayed in factories so that they could not be  replaced by new workers.
Roosevelt won re-election by a huge margin in 1936, winning every state but Maine and Vermont.

Main idea:
Parts of the Great Plains came to be known as the Dust Bowl as severe drought destroyed farms there.
Families all over the U.S. faced hard times
Depression-era culture helped lift ppl’s spirits
The New Deal had lasting effects on the American society
Big Idea:
All over the country, Americans struggled to survive the Great Depression
Dust Bowl: Massive storms swept the region,, turning parts of the Great Plains into the Dust Bowls
John Steinbeck: Writer who captured the desperation of Americans struggling through the Great Depression, especially those affected by the dust bowls
Woody Guthrie: Born in Oklahoma, a folk singer who crisscrossed the country singing his songs.

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